Author: Lindsay Gallmeyer

Financial Tip Friday: Travel Scams

PSCU Financial Tip Friday: TRAVEL SCAMS

  July’s financial tip is about travel scams, what they are and how to avoid them. Scams are becoming more and more common as the years go by, but that’s… Read more »

5 Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid


CREDIT CARD MISTAKES YOU SHOULD NEVER MAKE Credit cards can be a blessing – when you use them to earn rewards on travel – and a curse – when the… Read more »

New Debit Card

NEW DEBIT CARDS: Recently new Debit Cards were issued to prevent further fraud after our PSCU debit cards were targeted for fraud. Originally, we informed our membership that they would… Read more »

Round Up Savings – Save More Money

PSCU - Product & Service: Round Up Savings

Do you want to save money when you spend money? Round up savings can do that for you! Round up savings is a separate account from your other accounts! Every… Read more »